maandag 6 juli 2009

Dave Eggers on homework help centers

Listen to this:

Thank you,

Just a day in the center of Antwerp

Today I've met, among many others,

- An young Algerian woman who lived seventeen years in Belgium. She sustained close ties with her country of origin and her family. We spoke of human rights in Algeria and she very naturally agreed to support our human rights cause.

- A man who ardently refused to support human rights organisations because they did not fight for the lives of the unborn. He was talking about the abortion holocaust in current Western society.

- A curious and most polite elder man who recalled that I once was promoting an environmentalist organisation, while now I was advocating human rights. A long conversation ensued that covered the work of several ngo's, purity, Marx, and my objections to utopian world views. We parted in joyful sympathy.

- One of the I-POWER crew members. We talked about activism, self-understanding, long-term strategies and effective means to change the world.