maandag 26 januari 2009

IPOWER, Cardijn and other habits

In my opinion, IPOWER is an interesting experiment. It aims at promoting a lifestyle of self-realisation and self-expression by postulating three guiding principles:

- Being open-minded

- Active thinking

- Putting your vision into practice

and by creating an online community of people endorsing it. These principles echo the teaching of Cardinal Cardijn who taught children of the worker's class to develop themselves intellectually and morally by adapting the principles of zien (seeing), oordelen (judging), handelen (acting).

Today I came across the teachings of Stephen Covey called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. A highly effective friend recommended it half a year ago. The seven key values are: responsability, vision, integrity, mutual respect, mutual understanding, creative cooperation and renewal. You should check out the book or the online audio-book to see why these concepts are related and what they cover.

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